Circular economy: Enel’s vision

The circular economy combines competitive edge with social and environmental sustainability. Enel considers this approach strategic for its business: in the “Circular Economy Enel Position Paper” we describe our circular vision also through the example of a selection of concrete projects.


The traditional linear economic model (extraction of materials – production – consumption – waste) is no longer sustainable for the planet: the need for a systemic approach to economic development that combines competitiveness, finance, environmental sustainability and social inclusion is becoming increasingly clear to institutions, companies and civil society. Meeting this need is the intent of the circular economy – which is regenerative by design and aims to decouple growth from the consumption of non-renewable resources.

Our Group has integrated the circular economy into its corporate strategy for years, applying it along the entire value chain, through continuous innovation that entails a structural rethinking of the business model, in terms not only of technologies and processes but also of collaboration with the ecosystem.

In this position paper, we have outlined our vision of a circular business model and described how we are building it, presenting examples applied to various lines of business.

Download the position paper.